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From Monastery to Metaverse: Gen-Z's Digital Dharma Revolution

2025-02-25 23:22:41 来源: 网络   编辑: 佚名   浏览(80)人   

From Monastery to Metaverse: Gen-Z's Digital Dharma Revolution

Style: Youth culture trend analysis


Lhasa's tech hub buzzes with startups merging tradition and innovation:tibetan culture

Mantra Mixer App: Users create EDM tracks with sampled monastic chants (4.2M downloads)

AR Prayer Wheels: Digital spins accumulate merit points redeemable for tree-planting donations

NFT Thangka Market: Blockchain-authenticated scrolls average $12,000 at Sotheby's auctions

Controversy erupted when influencer Dolma launched virtual reality kora (pilgrimage) experiences. Monks argue this violates spatial sacredness, while her 2.8M followers counter: "Disabled or distant devotees deserve merit-making opportunities." The government's 2025 Digital Culture White Paper walks a tightrope between promoting innovation and preventing cultural dilution.

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