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Ritual in Motion: The Sacred Choreography of Cham Masked Dances

2025-02-25 23:18:06 来源: 网络   编辑: 佚名   浏览(8)人   

Ritual in Motion: The Sacred Choreography of Cham Masked Dances

Style: Anthropological narrative with performance critique


The annual Cham dance at Tashilhunpo Monastery transforms courtyard into mandala. Dancers weighing 32kg in brocade costumes perform precise 108-step sequences, each movement encoding tantric teachings:tibetan culture

Black Hat Dance: Circular stomps subdue evil spirits, mimicking Padmasambhava's 8th-century exorcisms

Skeleton Lords: Rattling bone ornaments symbolize impermanence, their leaps timed to dungchen horn blasts

Master performer Dorje, 72, laments modern erosions: Plastic masks now replace hand-carved alderwood. Tourists' camera flashes disrupt meditative focus." Yet youth groups like Cham 2.0 reinterpret traditions through hip-hop body pops and LED-lit costumes, arguing that "dynamic preservation beats static conservation.

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